Browse and deploy expertly curated infrastructure solutions.

Cost efficient. Reliable. Guaranteed deployment times.

Create a free account and start browsing free and paid infrastructure solutions.

Our process.

In just 5 simple steps.

1. Sign up and explore

Sign up for free, then explore the high-level designs and inclusions of each solution.

2. Book a free consultation

Book a free 15 minute consultation to confirm requirements with fixed timing and cost.

3. Solution procurement via AWS

Seamless solution procurement onboarding directly via AWS marketplace.

4. Deployment and customisation

Your specialist assigned consultant will deploy and customise the solution to your environment.

5. Handover

Final handover meeting with 10 business day solution warranty. Support Plans are available if required.

SIGN UP for free

What our group clients have to say

On behalf of the Billbergia Group I would like to thank you for the great service your team have provided us.

John Fitzgerald

Operations Manager at BILLBERGIA

Best practice

  • Inline with AWS Well Architected Framework
  • Following least privilege principles
  • Industry benchmark evaluation as baseline

Scalable infrastructure

  • Globally scalable architectures
  • Highly resilient and fault tolerant deployments
  • Customised solutions inline with your demand curve

Maintained development

  • Version Controlled solutions
  • Support for major changes in the API
  • Tried and Tested Deployments

Cost efficient

  • Minimal time investment of your resources
  • On-demand architectures
  • Tailored discussions on economically viable solutions

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